Professional Ant Pest Control

Northern Rivers, Mid North Coast & Gold Coast

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Got an ant invasion in your home or workplace? All Pest Solutions provide comprehensive pest control services to locate and eliminate ants. Servicing residential and commercial properties across the Mid North Coast and Northern Rivers regions, our trained and licensed pest technicians are backed by a collective 60+ years' experience.

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Where Are Ants Typically Found? 

Ants are highly adaptable insects that can be found in a wide range of environments, both indoors and outdoors. Understanding their common hiding spots can help in identifying and preventing infestations. Here are some areas where ants are often found: 

1. Kitchens And Pantries 

Ants are drawn to food sources, making kitchens, pet bowls and pantries their prime targets. These little pests can navigate through tiny holes and infiltrate open food packages and unsealed containers. If you notice ants in your food or in trails leading into your kitchen, it’s a sign of a potential infestation. 

2. Bathrooms 

Ants are attracted to moisture-rich areas, making bathrooms a common spot for infestations. They may be found near sinks, drains or areas with water leaks. Keep an eye out for ants crawling along bathroom surfaces or near wet areas. 

3. Gardens And Outdoor Areas 

Ants often build nests in soil, mulch and vegetation, making gardens and outdoor spaces susceptible to infestations. They create colonies that can cause damage to your plants and compromise the overall health of your garden. Search your garden regularly for ant hills or signs of ant activity near your home. 

4. Cracks And Crevices 

Ants are skilled at infiltrating buildings through tiny openings, seeking shelter and food sources. They can find their way through cracks in walls, gaps in windows or crevices in foundations. Regularly inspect your property for potential entry points and seal them to prevent ant access. 

What Are The Signs Of An Ant Infestation? 

Early detection of ant infestations is crucial for effective pest control. You can take prompt action to eliminate the problem by recognising the signs:

1. Ant Trails 

These trails are often formed as ants follow scent trails laid down by their fellow colony members. If you observe long lines of ants marching in a distinct pattern, it’s a strong indication of an infestation. 

2. Ant Nests 

Discovering ant nests is a clear sign of an infestation. Ants build nests in various locations, including soil, wall voids, tree stumps or even within the cracks of your property. It’s important to address the issue promptly if you encounter ant nests. 

3. Piles Of Debris 

Ants often create small piles of debris near their nesting sites. These piles may contain food remnants, dead ants, discarded wings or other materials. Spotting such debris can help you locate potential nesting areas and assess the extent of the infestation. 

How To Prevent Ants? 

Prevention is key to minimising the risk of ant infestations. By implementing proactive measures, you can create an environment that is less attractive to ants. Here are some effective strategies to prevent ants from infiltrating your property: 

1. Seal Entry Points 

Inspect your property for cracks, gaps and openings that ants can use as entry points. Seal these areas with caulk or weatherstripping to prevent ants from infiltrating your space. 

2. Keep Your Space Clean 

Maintain cleanliness in your home or workplace by regularly sweeping, mopping and wiping surfaces. Clean up any food crumbs, spills and food residue promptly to remove attractive food sources.

3. Store Food Properly 

Seal food items securely in airtight containers. Avoid leaving food exposed on countertops or in easily accessible areas. By denying ants access to food, you reduce the likelihood of an infestation. 

4. Trim Vegetation 

Keep your garden well-manicured and trim vegetation away from the perimeter of your property. Ants often use overhanging branches or shrubs as bridges to access buildings. Maintaining a clear boundary makes it harder for ants to establish nests close to your structure. 

5. Eliminate Moisture 

Fix any plumbing leaks and remove any unnecessary moisture in your property. Ants are attracted to water, so addressing leaks and reducing moisture levels will make your space less inviting to these pests. 

Ant Infestation Solutions 

All Pest Solutions provide safe and effective ant treatments for Northern Rivers' residential, commercial and industrial properties. Our team of experienced technicians is equipped with the knowledge and tools to eliminate ant infestations and provide you with a pest-free environment. 

Our pest control team will carry out a property inspection, walk you through a range of treatment options and provide a free, no-obligation quote. This may include strategic ant baiting treatments, as well as using high-quality insecticides to eliminate the existing ant population. Contact us today to book an inspection.

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Ant FAQs

Are the ant treatments used by All Pest Solutions safe for pets and children? 

Absolutely! At All Pest Solutions, we prioritise the safety of our customers and the environment. We use high-quality, eco-friendly products that are safe when applied according to our expert technicians’ instructions. 

How long will the ant control treatment take? 

The duration of ant pest control treatments can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the size of the property. Our technicians will assess the situation during the initial inspection and provide an estimated timeline. 

Can an ant infestation be permanently eradicated? 

Our ant pest control treatments are designed to eliminate existing ant infestations and provide long-lasting protection against future invasions. However, it’s important to maintain preventive measures to reduce the risk of re-infestation.

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